November 2017
CFES is now welcoming nominations for the 2018 Mentorship Medal competition. The deadline to submit a nomination is January 15, 2018. More details about the Menotship Medal and the nomination form are available on our Awards page.
IUGS News at a Glance
• The President of IUGS attended and addressed the 8th China-ASEAN Mining Cooperation Forum and Exhibition
• IUGS Publications Committee Meeting, April 2017
• News from IAPG
• Bryan Lovell Meeting in London, 23 - 24 November 2017
• New IUGS Webmaster
• September Issue of Episodes published
For more details about IUGS news click here.
CFES has sponsored a session at RFG2018 to address the challenges of coordinating the voice of geoscientists at a national level. This session will bring together representatives from government, industry and top-tier national geoscience organizations to share their experiences and strategies. More details about the session are available here.
September 2017
Resources for Future Generations 2018 features a technical program that will be shared over 4 full days in 24 parallel rooms, with 200+ sessions and 2,000 presentations. Want to know just how committed they are to a sustainable future?
August 2017
The Call for #RFG2018 Abstracts is officially open! Anchored in six themes — Energy, Minerals, Water, the Earth, Education & Knowledge, Communities & Resources — RFG2018 will showcase advances in earth sciences, education, and innovation.
For a complete list of sessions and to submit your abstract click here.
July 2017
The Science Media Centre of Canada has produced a backgrounder on what extreme heat events are, how they will impact Canadians, and how these effects might be mitigated. This backgrounder was commissioned by Health Canada, and has been written in plain language for the public. You can access it here.
PAGSE's new report entitled ‘Restoring Canada’s Competitiveness in Fundamental Research: The View from the Bench’ is the product of feedback from feedback from over 1,300 Canadian researchers. The report authors highlight a decrease in funding support for fundamental science research between 2005 and 2015, and estimate that the funding gap for this period was $535 million. The full report, published by the Global Young Academy is available here, along with an infographic summarizing the major findings here.
June 2017
There is a call for short courses and field trips for RFG2018, which will be held in Vancouver, BC June 16-21, 2018. Explore the RFG2018 themes and sessions in their newsletter.
The International Association for Promoting Geothics' latest newsletter highlights geoethics publications, news, events, calls for abstracts.
Geoscientists Canada has released a new geoscientists-in-training (GIT) program information guide as part of a national initiative to raise awareness of the programs offered by all the professional associations preparing individuals for their Professional Geoscientist or P.Geo designation.
May 2017
Please save the date for the joint meeting of the Canadian Quaternary Association (CANQUA) and the American Quaternary Association (AMQUA). The meeting will be held in Ottawa, Canada, from August 7th to August 11th 2018.
The theme of the meeting is: "Crossing borders in the Quaternary."
The Geological Association of Canada's (GAC) Spring 2017 publication of GEOLOG is now online. The newsletter features GAC award winners, and other GAC news and announcements.
The CFES held its annual Council meeting and AGM in Ottawa, ON April 20-22. CFES President Iain Samson has written an executive summary of the meetings for distribution to our members and the public.
April 2017
The Canadian Government is reviewing its support for fundamental science. To this end, an independent advisory panel has collected feedback on Canada's funding and support for science. CFES, through PAGSE, contributed a submission with feedback after consulting with its members. The advisory panel's report can be read here.
On Earth Day, April 22, 2017, various scientific organizations are urging participation in a March for Science. Initially focused on Washington, DC, the event has become worldwide and across all science disciplines (see for more information).
According to their website, the aim of the event organizers is to build "a broad, nonpartisan, and diverse coalition of organizations and individuals who stand up for science. We are advocating for evidence-based policymaking, science education, research funding, and inclusive and accessible science."
The CFES Board of Directors has passed on the information about the March to its member organizations, so that those who wish to be involved can do so, either as an organization or as individual Earth scientists.
The Canadian Geotechnical Society has released their April newsletter featuring information on upcoming scholarship, award, and abstract deadlines along with the GeoVancouver 2017 conference proceedings and more.
The CFES Board and designated representatives from member organizations will meet April 21-22 in Ottawa for the annual council and general meeting. The election of new officers, discussions about CFES initiatives, increasing interaction with mainstream media, and a review of the CFES budget will be among the many items on the agenda. To view the full agenda for the CFES 2017 AGM, click here.
Prof. Anthony E. (Willy) Williams-Jones is awarded the 2017 CFES Mentorship Medal for fostering the development and professional success of an army of graduate students, many colleagues, faculty members and professionals in the fields of economic geology, ore genesis, and geochemistry, as well as for inspiring a legion of undergraduate students to follow careers in earth more.
February 2017
The Canadian Geotechnical Society has released their February e-newsletter with updates on GeoOttawa 2017, the winner to the Geosynthetics Award and more.
PAGSE is holding its Bacon and Eggheads breakfast on Parliament Hill February 9, 2016. Gail Atkinson of Western University will be giving a talk on"Unnatural tremors: the science of fracking and earthquakes." For more information the presentation and getting tickets visit the event website.
January 2017
The 43rd Colloquium and Annual General Meeting of the Atlantic Geoscience Society (AGS), "Innovations in Geoscience, Geological engineering, and the Geoenvironment in the Northern Appalachians" will be held in the Fredericton Inn & Conference Centre, Fredericton, New Brunswick, on February 10-11, 2017.
The organizing committee has been working hard to sort out all the details about the conference and related events. These are now posted on the conference website.
Get back to our recent news and announcements here.