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Resources for Future Generations 2018
Vancouver, BC June 16-21, 2018

Education & Youth - Energy - Minerals - Resources & Society - Water - The Earth

CFES is one of the sponsors of the RFG2018 conference.  The conference aims to explore energy, minerals, water resources and the science of the Earth with a focus on the sustainable discovery and extraction of natural resources. 

CFES has sponsored a technical session, Speaking With One Voice - geoscience messaging in a fragmented community. To learn more about this session and to submit an abstract please consult the following document.

The conference is accepting abstracts until January 15, 2018. View the list of sessions and submit your abstract here.

RFG2018 will foster constructive dialogue for the development of a sustainable future by inviting big thinkers to focus on practical matters, such as the availability of natural resources to meet human needs in the best way possible.  Experts from a wide variety of backgrounds, engaged youth, and civil society from all over the world will attend to explore technical and societal themes vital to the long-term health and support of our planet and population.

Learn more about the confirmed speakers and registration here

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