Geoscientists in Canadian National Parks Geologist in Residence Program
Pukaskwa National Park, August 11 – 24, 2024
The Geologist-in-Residence program is delivered in partnership with the Canadian Federation of Earth Sciences and Parks Canada. It is an opportunity available to a Professional Geoscientist (i.e., P.Geo) or Geoscientists in training (G.I.T.) with knowledge of the geology of the Canadian Shield. “The Geologist-in-Residence” is a volunteer position. Local travel, food, and accommodation costs incurred by the volunteer are sponsored.
Following two highly successful two-week residencies at Pukaskwa National Park in August of 2022 and 2023, Parks Canada and the CFES have agreed to make the Geologist in Residence a permanent volunteer position at Pukaskwa National Park. We are pleased to accept applications for a Residency opportunity at Pukaskwa National Park for August 11 to 24, 2024. Thank you to our partners at the Association of Professional Geologists of Ontario Education Foundation (APGOEF) for supporting volunteer expenses again this year.
The Geologist-in-Residence will spend their 2-week on-site residency serving as a Parks Canada volunteer. During this time the volunteer will acquaint themselves with the geological assets of the park, and then educate park visitors and staff about the geological formations and phenomena of the park by delivering programs and presentations.
The role of the Geologist-in-Residence is to highlight the significant geological evidence and history on display within the National Park and how that story relates to the wider region. The Geologist-in-Residence will serve as a trainer for park Interpretation staff to learn and gain confidence in speaking about geology and geomorphology with the public.
For more information on the goals, objectives and scope of work of the Geologist-in-Residence, please download the full Geologist-in-Residence Pukaskwa National Park 2024 opportunity description.
Application Process
To apply for the Geologist-in Residence Pukaskwa National Park 2024 position, please submit a Letter of Interest and a Curriculum Vitae to, by May 31st, 2024 * extended deadline. Applications will be reviewed by Canadian Geoscience Education Network (CGEN) Executive. The successful Geologist-in-Residence candidate will be announced in June 2024.
Read more about the experiences of our 2022 and 2023 Pukaskwa National Park Geologists in Residence, Dr. Victoria Stinson and Dr. Joanna Hodge in their articles for the APGO Education Foundation’s Beneath Your Feet; a Geoscience Blog and