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The Partnership Group for Science and Engineering

The Partnership Group for Science and Engineering (PAGSE) is a coalition of learned and professional societies organized by the Royal Society of Canada. Its purpose is to advocate - not lobby - for science and engineering to the federal government. CFES is an active member, and one of the largest societies at the table.


The most important work of PAGSE is the Bacon and Eggheads series of advocative breakfasts held each parliamentary session on the Hill. Carefully selected, dynamic speakers are invited to present an overview of their research to Ministers, Senators, MPs, and their staffs and to respond to questions they pose. The speakers come from across the spectrum of science and engineering in Canada. Recent speakers from CFES have discussed fracking and, separately, permafrost. PAGSE also prepares a submission to the Finance Committee of the House of Commons during the annual consultations regarding the federal budget.


Other submissions to parliament are made as required, as during the recent consultations on federal science and on climate change.  The group holds regular meetings at which key individuals in the national science and engineering landscape, for example, the president of the National Research Council, initiated a discussion on science policy and the role of their institution. These discussions help the members prepare the submissions to parliament.

PAGSE has released a document on Canada's role in the responsible supply of technology metals available for download here:

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